Maths Difficulties and Dyscalculia

Maths Explained. Signs of dyscalculia

A person with dyscalculia/mathematical learning difficulties may:

  • Have a poor sense of number and poor estimation skills.
  • Have difficulty when counting backwards or in reversing any maths sequence.
  • Have no sense of whether any answers that they obtain are right or nearly right.
  • Have difficulty in remembering ‘basic’ facts, despite many hours of practice/rote learning.
  • Have no strategies to compensate for this lack of recall, other than relying on counting.
  • Not link facts or operations.
  • Have difficulty in understanding place value and the role of zero in our number system.
  • Be slow to perform calculations. (Therefore, teachers should give fewer examples. Usually this is a better adjustment than giving more time).
  • Have weak mental arithmetic skills. This is often created by poor short term and working memories.
  • Forget mathematical procedures, especially as they become more complex, for example ‘long’ division. Addition is often the default operation. The other operations are usually very poorly executed (or avoided altogether).
  • Avoid tasks that are perceived as too difficult and likely to result in a wrong answer. This avoids negative evaluation.
  • Have high levels of mathematics anxiety, usually debilitating.

The tutorials are designed and constructed to address these problems.

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Take our quick Dyscalculia Checklist questionnaire

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